Category Archives: Republicans


The New Hampshire Senate (led by a Republican majority) passed a budget yesterday that has Democrats doing what they do best – lie. As usual, Democrats seek to gain attention withpropaganda type posters without actually telling New Hampshire residents the facts or truth behind the budget. What is truly ironic and completely hypocritical is their “attack” that the budget is “ideological” rather than what’s best for New Hampshire. Apparently they forget the ideologue they elected in the White House.

That said, their “claims” are listed below as well as the facts behind them. It would be nice for the New Hampshire Democrats to inform residents rather than misinforming them all of the time but don’t hold your breath for that to happen. Chairman Buckley and his sidekick Harrell Kirstein (from New Jersey) will no doubt continue the lie and smear campaigns they have been waging for a while.

Claim: “The NH Senate GOP’s Devastating Budget”

Fact: Devastating? The budget wasincreased by 7% over last year according toFoster’s Daily Democrat. That’s hardly devastating. Democrats should be overjoyed since they love increasing spending. If anything, the budget should be decreased given the poor economic growth in 2012. Without better economic growth, where exactly do Democrats think the money they demand be spent come from (hint: it’ll be taxpayers who can hardly afford any increased taxes)?

Claim: “HHS – $40M Hole forcing cuts to CHINS, Mental Health Services and Developmentally Disabled Services”

Fact: They approved a $28 million increase for mental health programs while only cutting the social service agency general funds by $7 million. The Democratically controlled House had cut the fund by $4.5 million. Where was the NHDP (New Hampshire Democrat Party) outrage over that?

Claim: “Lays-off up to 700 NH workers due to budget cuts”

Fact: In 2012 alone, NH hired almost 600 new state employees even though the population of the state only grew by around 4,000 since 2010 according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Clearly there is not a need for that many more state employees when the population is not growing at the same rate government is growing. That number doesn’t include how many were hired in 2011. New Hampshire needs to shrink government, not grow it, especially when the population numbers do not justify the growth.

Claim: “Rejects federal funding for improved health and economic security with Medicaid Expansion”

Fact: The Medicaid expansion would hurt New Hampshire. Eventually the federal funds dry up and the taxpayers will be on the hook for paying the increased burden. Not to mention that Medicaid has pretty horrible outcomes as reported by various medical studies (13% more surgical patients die who are on Medicaid than those who have no health insurance). Forbes also wrote an excellent article on reasons to reject the Medicaid expansion citing Medicaid’s bad coverage; cost to state budgets; federal controls and rampant fraud to name a few.

Claim: “Eliminates Green Launching Pad’s investment in new green energy businesses and jobs”

Fact: Obama has already wasted billions of tax dollars on failed green energy programs. New Hampshire does not print money like the federal government does. The state cannot afford to subsidize programs that are not in demand and may end up bankrupt like many of the following that taxpayers have already subsidized (these are just a few – the full list can be found atHeritage):

• Evergreen Solar ($25 million)
• Solyndra ($535 million)
• Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
• SunPower ($1.2 billion)
• First Solar ($1.46 billion)
• Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
• Fisker Automotive ($529 million)
• Abound Solar ($400 million)
• A123 Systems ($279 million)
• Johnson Controls ($299 million)
• Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
• ECOtality ($126.2 million)

Claim: “Protects out-of-state big tobacco companies profits with cheaper cigarette prices”

Fact: The Senate rejected 20 cents of the 30 cent tax increase on cigarettes that directly hurts the poor the most since it’s a fact that the poor spend a bigger percentage on smoking. Regressive taxes are a Democrat’s best friend. The people that vote Democrat are completely clueless that they are getting screwed constantly with these types of taxes.

Democrats also neglect to mention the following items that were in the NH Senate GOP budget (from Foster’s Daily Democrat):

• University System of New Hampshire and community college aid increased
• $22 million to eliminate the wait list for developmentally disabled and brain disorder services.
• Senate funds charter schools; House places a moratorium on new charter schools
• Senate rejected and refuses to bargain over a House-proposed 12 cent increase in gas, diesel tax to pay for highway improvements
• Senate refuses to delay several yet-to-take-effect business tax breaks passed last session. Implementing them costs $13 million

It’s easy to rip apart the New Hampshire Democrat Party’s propaganda talking points and lies. Unfortunately it will probably be a cold day in Hell before they are honest with voters. It’s one thing to disagree about budget items but to outright lie or withhold important facts is egregious. Of course, this is business as usual for the NHDP under the reign of Ray Buckley. New Hampshire residents and voters deserve the truth and they deserve better than the “ideology” of the far left wing that has taken over the NHDP.

Originally posted at Examiner:

Despicable Democrat ad lies to seniors to scare them for votes

In an ad just released by the DCCC(Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee) for far left wing candidate Ann Kuster (NH Congressional District 2),Democrats stoop to an all knew low with their lies about Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan. In the video, they claim that people who have worked hard and paid into Medicare are going to lose it and Charlie Bass (Republican candidate in NH Congressional District 2) voted for it. Every single person represented in the video is obviously elderly. Ryan’s plan does not affect anyone over 55 and it isn’t going to end Medicare either.

As if Democrats can’t sink any lower, they now sink to elder abuse, because there is nothing like fear mongering the elderly. This ad is egregious and Democrats should be ashamed of themselves. If they want to disagree with Ryan’s plan, feel free, that is what political parties do, but do not scare an entire segment of the country because you so desperately want to win an election. It’s reprehensible and Kuster spreads the same lies. Not only is this ad despicable but it shows the lack of respect Democrats have for seniors. Apparently Democrats believe that anyone 55 and older must be too stupid to read or actually look into legislation that may affect their lives.

Despicable ad by Democrats lies to scare seniors
Video: DCCC

Kuster pretends to care about seniors. If she she truly does, she’ll demand the DCCC take this false ad down because it is despicable. If she doesn’t, it proves yet again that she will do whatever Democrats tell her rather than what her constituents want. Democrats have already proven they are desperate during this election cycle but scaring senors to gain votes is beyond disgusting.

Originally posted here:

Kennedy will never understand working or middle class struggles

In another debate held yesterday for theMassachusetts Congressional District 4 seat,Sean Bielat (Republican) and Joe Kennedy III(Democrat) met to discuss the issues. The debate was only an hour but it was crystal clear at the end the differences between the candidates. Kennedy believes that government is the solution and Bielat believes that people are the solution. Kennedy will raise taxes and grow government while Bielat will shrink government and keep taxes low. Those are pretty typical of Democrat vs. Republican issues. Democrats have a history of growing government and raising taxes while Republicans have a history (well normally) of keeping government small and taxes low.

What really struck a chord was when one of the panel members brought up the stark difference between Kennedy and Bielat when it comes to their financial disclosures. Kennedy is a multi-millionaire while Bielat has a mountain of student loan debt. It’s nice that Kennedy’s family left him millions of dollars; most families would love to have the privilege of doing that. It’s great that both Bielat and his wife have furthered their education to further the well-being of themselves and their family; many people continue their education even with the astronomical costs of higher education these days.

Kennedy’s resume is extremely short. He has only ever held a ‘real job’ for 2.5 years and that was in the public sector. He’s never worked one day in the private sector. Kennedy touts his stint in the Peace Corps in a foreign country but why didn’t he join an organization in the United States and help Americans? Kennedy has never worried a day in his life how he will pay the rent, the mortgage, the oil bill or if he’ll have enough money to put food on the table. Kennedy has never had to choose between paying the electric bill and paying the car payment. As much as he likes to pretend he is ‘for the working man’, he has no clue the struggles of any working men or women.

Bielat is part of the middle class. Not only is he a Marine Reservist fighting for the United States but he wants to continue fighting for Americans in Congress. Bielat understands the struggles of working men and women because he is one of them. He understands how difficult times are right now and knows what it will take to truly change the economic environment from the cliff Obama and Democrats have put it on. Bielat’s years of experience as a leader in the private sector show that he knows what drives business and what a good economy means for families across the country and in his district.

Bielat is the only candidate in the 4th Congressional District who will fight for the working and middle classes. There are already too many ‘Kennedy types’ in Congress – those who are multi-millionaires and make laws increasing the size of government and raising taxes without realizing the massive ramifications that ideology has on the very people they claim to represent. If Kennedy’s last name was Smith, he wouldn’t even be in this race.

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Elizabeth Warren thinks Massachusetts women are stupid

In another debate last night for theMassachusetts Senate seat up for grabs this year, Scott Brown (Republican Incumbent) met with Elizabeth Warren (Democrat challenger) to discuss the issues. Warren continued her usual lies but again pushed her egregious lies about Brown’s ‘votes against women’ (recall the Senator is married with two daughters). Warren has a very long historyof fraud and lying but her ridiculous accusations that Brown is against his wife and daughters are just that, ridiculous. What’s even worse is that Warren obviously thinks women in Massachusetts are stupid because if any woman reads the two bills she’s referring to below, they’d see that she’s outright lying. Maybe it’s because Warren isn’t actually from Massachusetts. Maybe Warren thinks she’s above having to tell the truth because she’s a professor at Harvard. She hasn’t been honest throughout her campaign and maybe living in the ‘ivory towers’ for so long have finally eaten away at her brain.

These points were made in a video that Warren released for fundraising after the debate but they have all been lies debunked previously and often. Since Warren has a very long record of lying, it’s not surprising but it’s embarrassing that she believe women are so stupid:

Warren: Scott Brown had exactly one changed to vote equal pay for equal work and he voted no.

Warren is referring to the Paycheck Fairness Act which has absolutely nothing to do with equal pay. The Equal Pay Act was voted into law in the 1960s and has remained intact since then. The Paycheck Fairness Act is about lawsuits and forcing employers to allow people to discuss their pay at work, something that would create havoc in the workplace for all employees, never mind women. The Act would necessarily hurt women in the workforce but that doesn’t stop Warren from lying about it. Not only would it hurt women but it would hurt business and the economy but vulture lawyers like Warren would sure have a field day. (See Warren’s work against women with Dow Chemical)

Warren: He had exactly one chance to vote for insurance coverage for birth control and other preventative services for women, he voted no.

Amusing that Warren is referring to the Blunt Amendment that Teddy Kennedy also agreed withthat doesn’t force religious employers to provide any type of services that are against their religious beliefs – i.e., birth control and abortion. Apparently Warren wants to force Catholic institutions to now pay for abortions. Remember also that women can get birth control for around$9 a month at their local pharmacies. Of course, Warren believes women are too stupid to take care of themselves so big Daddy government has to step on the religious rights of institutions to make sure they take care of women.

Warren: He had one chance to vote for a pro-choice woman from Massachusetts to the United States Supreme Court and he voted no.

This is where Warren really shows she is out of her mind. She is referring to Elena Kagan who is now on the Supreme Court who had zero experience as a justice, ever. That’s right; Warren believes being pro-choice is a qualification for getting nominated to the Supreme Court. Forget that Kagan never sat one day in a court room as a judge; forget that Kagan never decided any civil or criminal cases as a justice; forget that Kagan had pretty much zero real world law experience; Warren believes women are so incredibly stupid that they’d vote for a woman to be in the highest judicial position in the United States just because she is pro-choice.

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There are Two Paths – Retire Obama

Voices Without A Vote

Powerful video in which teenagers who cannot vote yet urge Americans to vote for a candidate who believes in the Constitution!

Obama brought a Knife to a Gunfight

The first presidential debate was held tonight in Denver, Colorado and moderated by PBS’ Jim Lehrer. The debate was focused on domestic issues and ran for 90 minutes. From the very beginning, Romney was articulate, confident and was well versed in each topic covered. Obama, without his teleprompter, sounded unsure of himself, inarticulate and like a Junior Senator from Chicago at his first presidential debate. If you didn’t know who the president currently is, you would have assumed it was Mitt Romney. He came off as presidential and a leader while Barack Obama came off as someone who didn’t really know the answers to the questions and maybe didn’t prepare enough for one of the biggest events in his political career and certainly didn’t hold confident leadership qualities.

Romney had some great ‘one liners’ during the debate that are worth repeating:

When Obama claimed that Obamacare would bring down the cost of healthcare –

In my opinion Gov’t isn’t effective at bringing down the cost of almost anything.

When Obama tried to present facts about Romney’s plan that weren’t true –

Mr. President, you’re entitled to your own airplane and your own house but not your own facts.

Some of the best highlights were on Twitter, during and after the debate by Democrats who were clearly crushed by Obama’s performance:

Already trying to blame Kerry (Obama’s debate partner) for Obama’s poor performance –

@mripple: John Kerry not a good foil. Obama needs somebody who morphs while he speaks.

(This from Michael Moore – uber anti-capitalist and far left wing extremist) –

@MMFlint: This is what happens when u pick John Kerry as your debate coach

The uber-Liberal Joan Walsh of –

@joanwalsh: Someone close to the president has to help him figure out the roots of his um’s and uh’s. He seems so tentative…

Bill Maher (who donated $1 million to Obama’s campaign had a couple) –

@BillMaher: Obama made a lot of great points tonight. Unfortunately, most of them were for Romney

@BillMaher: i can’t believe i’m saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter

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A disturbing trend with Democrats in New Hampshire

With the upcoming primaries only weeks away and the general election only a few months away, campaigns are in high gear all across New Hampshire. Both Democrats and Republicans are attending fairs and meeting constituents; talking to people about issues and explaining their platforms.  Most people are positive and excited to talk about their candidacy and why they are the right person for the State Legislature but there is a disturbing and very negative trend among Democrats that is the antithesis of what New Hampshire residents represent – negativity and lies about their opposition.   It seems that Obama’s and the national Democrats’ negative, smearing campaign style has ‘trickled down’ into the state and local level.

At the Kingston Days event this weekend both Democrats and Republicans had tents to provide information to voters.  The Rockingham Republican Committee had information available for candidates in Rockingham County as well as the gubernatorial candidates, Kevin Smith and Ovide Lamontagne.  They also had Romney signs and information.  The Kingston Democrats (no website found) had some information regarding candidates but they also had printed up lies about State Senator Russell Prescott’s votes in the legislature.  The information about the Democrat running against him, Carol Croteau, was simply a piece of paper asking for a donation with a website listed and nothing else.

The Democrats also had signs on their tent like ‘Don’t Touch My Medicare’, which is amusing since Obama cut $500 billion from Medicare in Obamacare.  They of course had the union solidarity sign (because public sector unions are all about bigger government and higher taxes, just like Democrats) and even an ‘I Stand with Planned Parenthood’ sign because Democrats love wasting taxpayer dollars on organizations that don’t need it.  The worst part is that they were lying about a State Senator rather than telling the truth or promoting their own candidate.  And he probably wasn’t the only one.

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Lions and tigers and Tea Party, oh my!


New Hampshire Democrats thought they had an incredible scoop when they posted in a blog tonight that New Hampshire GOP regional field director Drew Cyr was ‘caught’ trying to enlist the help of a (gasp) Tea Party group for the November elections. They claim that the NH GOP is trying to ‘push’ the Tea Party agenda as if it’s a bad thing. Lower taxes, less government, less wasteful spending and more individual freedom are supposed to be bad things in ‘Live Free or Die’ New Hampshire – only if you’re a Democrat. It is so pathetic that the Brookline Democrats and DNC Chairman Raymond Buckley even retweeted it on Twitter.

For some reason Democrats in New Hampshire think that their ‘flying union monkey’ partnership of big government, higher taxes, huge pensions and wasteful spending is just dandy. Of course, their far left wing agenda hurts all residents in NH but that’s just a side effect of getting unions to buy elections for Democrats. To NH Democrats, their bedding the unions is absolutely acceptable but for the GOP to work with the Tea party, a group made up of Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Libertarians, is somehow almost criminal.

The problem for NH Democrats is that they cannot stand that the majority of people in the ‘Live Free or Die’ state of New Hampshire actually want less government, lower taxes and individual freedom. It kills them that they live right next to a state with huge government, high taxes and little individual freedom. In a recent study conducted at George Mason University, New Hampshire was scored as #1 in freedom and Massachusetts came in at a deplorable #46. So the very jealous Democrats in New Hampshire have to paint the Tea party as radical because the Tea Party represents everything they despise: lower taxes, less government and individual freedom. Are you starting to get the picture?

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The hypocrisy of NH State Rep Chris Serlin

Recently there was a big brouhaha over Speaker O’Brien not allowing a couple of Concord Monitor reporters into a press conference due to the Monitor’s printing of a cartoon depicting O’Brien as a Nazi.  The event was an “invite only” one in which only those with invitations were welcome to the proceedings.  Democrats ripped O’Brien for “punishing” the reporters.  Apparently some representatives were conversing back and forth via email that they should rally around O’Brien’s decision.  Then an interesting thing happened, as reported in the miscellanyblue blog – Democrat Representative Chris Serlin added his two cents, chiding the representatives (you can see his full email here):

It’s incredible to watch this train wreck unfold. So many of you calling for the wagons to be circled around the Speaker for the Press has DARED to paint him in an unfavorable light in a cartoon. The HORROR!

If the Press “behaves” then they are afforded access. Oh how rich! As if the people and the Press work for us – or are our peers. What is this — a Banana Republic, where the politicians tell the press what they should and should not do?

We work for the people of New Hampshire, which includes the Press. There is nothing that the press or the citizens of NH owe us. We owe THEM. We owe it to them all to be just a wee bit less sensitive to any who may insult us. A cartoon — from May — really? How ridiculous.

Why is this interesting and completely hypocritical on Representative Serlin’s part?  For two reasons:  #1 – back April during the public lynching of George Zimmerman, Rep Serlin tried and convicted Zimmerman on Twitter.  Not very adult behavior and not very professional behavior for a New Hampshire Representative.  #2 – After this author published the article alerting the public to Serlin’s outrageous behavior; she was blocked by him on Twitter.  Yes the very same Representative who is chiding his colleagues in the above email also blocked a member of the Press and a citizen of NH over his own egregious behavior.

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