Category Archives: America


Statistics and figures are not the Democrats’ friends. While they push to extend unemployment benefits yet again to the long-term unemployed, they fail to grasp that it is their own policies that are keeping these people unemployed. From the almost trillion dollar shovel-ready job stimulus that was thrust upon this country by Democrats ( including New Hampshire’s own Senator Shaheen and Representative Carol Shea-Porter) that failed to being insane enough to believe unemployment benefits create jobs, Democrats have failed on every level to produce (If unemployment benefits actually created jobs, our economy would be booming because we’ve had such long term unemployment). There are millions of people who are unemployed, under-employed, jumped ship to disability insurance or are just not working at all because they have given up and it’s thanks to Democrat policies that are killing jobs and hurting the economy.

Some facts from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

  • The Labor Force Participation Rate is only 63% – Down from 65.7% when President Obama took office In 2009. (BLS Website,, Accessed 1/6/14)
  • There are 762,000 Discouraged Workers in the U.S. who, despite wanting a job, are not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them. (BLS Website,, Accessed 1/6/14)
  • There were 734,000 Discouraged Workers when Obama took office in January 2009. (BLS Website,, Accessed 1/6/14)
  • There Are 7.7 Million Americans who are currently working part-time only because they cannot find full-time employment. (BLS Website,, Accessed 1/5/14)
  • 27% of Unemployed Americans who have been unemployed for a year or more – Up From 11% when Obama took office in 2009. (BLS,, Accessed 1/5/14)
  • The “Real” Unemployment Rate, including those who have given up looking for work or are involuntarily working part-time is 11% in New Hampshire alone! (BLS,, Accessed 1/5/14)
  • The Real Unemployment Rate in New Hampshire Was 8.7% when Shaheen took office in 2009. (BLS,, Accessed 1/5/14)

Obama, Senator Shaheen and Carol Shea-Porter claim they care about workers, jobs and the economy yet it is policies they have put into place that have continued the long cycle of unemployment across the U.S. and in New Hampshire. Today they are pushing to extend unemployment benefits to the tune of $26 billion. Rather than address the issues that cause long-term unemployment, they continue to create it. Democrats have had 6 years to turn the economy around and they haven’t. Neither Obama, Shaheen nor Shea-Porter will ever admit failure but the unemployment signs in this country have certainly proven exactly that.

Originally posted here:

Why the Anti-gun crowd can’t be trusted and why their arguments fail every time.


This is by far the most brilliant article I have seen regarding the anti-gun crowd to date.   I’ve shared only a portion of it here.  You MUST read the entire thing by Barry Snell here.


Truth, treason and the empire of lies

Gun people don’t trust anti-gun people because they are purposely misleading to rile the emotions of the ignorant. We don’t trust anti-gunners because they say more than 30,000 people are killed each year by guns — a fact that is technically true, but the key piece of information withheld is that only a minor fraction of that number is murder; the majority is suicides and accidents. We don’t trust anti-gunners because we know accidents and suicides don’t count in the crime rate, but they’re held against us as if they do.

Gun people don’t trust anti-gun people because suicide is the only human-inflicted leading cause of death in America, and that violent crime has been on the decline for decades. We also know that 10 people die daily in drownings, 87 people die daily by poisoning, more than 20,000 adults die from falls each year, someone dies in a fire every 169 minutes, nearly 31,000 people are killed in car accidents annually and almost 2,000 are stabbed to death. People even kill each other with hammers. Yet fewer than 14,000 people are killed by guns of any kind each year.

Gun people don’t trust anti-gun people because not only is the violent crime rate approaching historic lows, but mass shootings are on the decline too.  We don’t trust anti-gun people because they fail to recognize that mass shootings happen where guns are already banned — ridiculous “gun-free zones” which attract homicidal maniacs to perpetrate their mass shootings.

Gun people don’t trust anti-gun people because school shootings have been happening forever, but despite them being on the decline, the media inflates the issue until the perception is that they’re a bigger problem than they really are. We don’t trust anti-gunners because they’re busy riling up the emotions of the ignorant, who in turn direct their ire upon us, demonizing us because we object to the overreaction and focus on the wrong things, like the mentally ill people committing the crimes.

Gun people don’t trust anti-gun people because they look down on us for defending the Second Amendment as vigorously as they defend the First Amendment — a fight we too would stand side-by-side with them on otherwise. We don’t trust anti-gunners because someone defending the First Amendment is considered a hero, but a someone defending the Second Amendment is figured down with murderers and other lowlifes. Where the First Amendment has its very own day and week, both near-holy national celebrations beyond reproach, anti-gunners would use the First Amendment to ridicule any equivalent event for the Second Amendment, like they did for a recent local attempt at the University of Iowa.

Gun people don’t trust anti-gun people because anti-gun people put us down with dismissals like “just another dumb redneck with a gun.” We are told all over the Internet that we deserve to be in prison for being awful, heartless people; baby-killers and supporters of domestic terrorism, even. We don’t trust anti-gun people because even our own president says people like me are “bitter” and “cling to our guns and religion.” One need only go to any online comments section of any recent gun article in any of the major newspapers to see all this for themselves.

Gun people don’t trust anti-gun people because they seek to punish us for crimes we didn’t commit. We don’t trust anti-gunners because we know that the 100 million of us are peaceful, law-abiding citizens who love this country and our society as much as the next liberal. Yet when one previously convicted felon murders someone with a stolen gun five days after his release from prison, or things like the Newtown shooting happen, guns are blamed — and therefore lawful gun owners too, as there is guilt by association, apparently.

Gun people don’t trust anti-gun people because when things like the Boston Marathon bombing happen, everyone correctly blames the bomber, not the bomb. Nobody is calling for bomb control because killing people with bombs is already illegal — just like killing people with guns is illegal too.

Gun people don’t trust anti-gun people because they’re fine with guns protecting the money in our banks, our politicians and our celebrities, but they’re against us using guns to protect ourselves, our families, or even our children in schools. Legislative trolls like Dianne Feinstein cry havoc about me protecting my life, while standing comfortably behind armed guards —and the .38 Special revolver she got a California carry permit for. We don’t trust anti-gunners because they tell us our lives aren’t important, or at least are less important than the life of some celebrity like Snooki, who can have all the armed guards her bank account can afford.”

What difference does it make NOW, Hillary?


Today the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held hearings on Benghazi with three “whistleblowers” who were involved with the outpost.  Both Democrats and Republicans took turns questioning the witnesses.  It was clear to any listeners (without seeing the party the Representatives were associated with) which party each Rep belonged to.  Republicans were fact seeking.  Democrats were perpetuating the budget lie and even the video lie that has been told over and over again by the White House.  What became crystal clear at today’s hearings is that both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton knew immediately that Benghazi was a terrorist attack and not a protest.

Other things that also became clear during the hearings today were as follows:

  • It was Hillary Clinton who sent Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi as she wanted it to become a permanent outpost.
  • Clinton knew that there were previous attacks as well as security risks at Benghazi.
  • Clinton received a phone call at 2am yet still didn’t send immediate relief.
  • Clinton blamed Nordstrom (a witness) for the security in Benghazi yet he previously asked for more security and was denied.
  • Both Obama and Clinton knew that very night the attack on Benghazi was not over a protest or a video yet perpetuated the video lie for weeks.
  • Both Obama and Clinton knew that terrorists were involved in the attack yet continued to blame a videographer in California.

When Hillary Clinton finally saw fit to testify before Congress in January, she made the despicable comment ‘What difference does it make’ whether it was a protest or a terrorist attack.   The difference, Clinton will discover, is that the truth matters to Americans.   It’s vital that our elected officials protect Americans and both Clinton and Obama failed.  It makes a difference that both Clinton and Obama knew the attack had nothing to do with a video yet continued to lie to the American people and persecute a man who had zero influence on Benghazi.   The difference that it makes is Americans deserve to know the truth.   The truth is quite clear – Hillary lied and four Americans died.   Clinton is directly responsible for what happened at Benghazi and Obama is directly responsible for what happened afterwards.

Originally posted on Examiner:


Gun Control Advocates are waging a War on Women


Gun control advocates have long demanded more restrictive gun control laws but after the horrific Newtown tragedy they have become more emotional, illogical and louder than ever. Governors and Legislators in many states are trying to enact ridiculous gun laws that only hurt law-abiding citizens. There’s a little known fact within the gun control crowd that criminals will not obey their laws. Legislators on the national level are also trying to put extremely strict gun laws into place, once again ignoring the fact that criminals do not obey their laws (including Obama and the DOJ – please see Fast and Furious). Some are even calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment. The majority of these people are Democrats who refuse to use facts in order to back up their demands for stricter gun laws. They are using their emotions to wage a war on women that will create more victims.

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that proves women can protect themselves from assailants if they have a gun. There is also plenty that shows what happens to women when they don’t have a gun to protect themselves – they become statistics. As more women choose to become gun owners in order to protect themselves, it’s clear that they are fighting to avoid becoming victims. Women are empowering themselves by protecting themselves. Some disturbing 911 calls below:

Women who called 911 and didn’t have firearms

Woman is sexually assaulted while on the phone with 911

Stalking victim murdered while on the phone with 911

Elderly woman murdered while on the phone with 911

Women who called 911 and had firearms

Georgia mother shoots intruder, doesn’t allow herself or her twins to become victims

Teen mother saves herself and her baby from attackers

Woman kills stalker while on the phone with 911

This is not a hit against 911 dispatchers or the police who respond to the calls. Both do an excellent job in the most extreme circumstances. The range of response time to a 911 call is 5.7 minutes to over 30 minutes in the United States. It takes an intruder less than 2 minutes to attack once he or she has gotten into your home. Despite these facts, some gun control advocates believe calling 911 is the first step in women’s defense.

Gun control advocates in several states across the country are trying to enact more strict gun control laws than currently exist. They do not base their actions on facts or statistics.


In Colorado a Democrat legislator actually told a rape victim that a gun wouldn’t have helped her protect herself despite the fact that sexual assaults fell 90% on the Colorado Springs University once they allowed guns to be carried on campus. Another Colorado Democrat believes that call boxes and rape whistles will help women defend themselves. These Democrats are using “bogus data” to make their claims that women can’t defend themselves with guns. The fact that women are safer if they have a gun to protect themselves has already been proven at Colorado Springs but those pesky facts don’t get in the way of gun control advocates.

New York

New York Democrats wasted no time in passing even more strict gun laws than they had in place before Newtown (gun crime is relatively high in New York even with their previously existing strict gun laws). The law bans all AR-15s and “assault” type weapons from being sold in the state. A Democrat legislator actually believes that women are “too weak” to fire AR-15s. The people that are passing these laws have zero clue how the guns they are banning even work.

In their haste to rush through bad legislation, the Democrats neglected to exempt police from their draconian gun laws. And of course, Governor Cuomo is creating an exemption in the law for his Hollywood buddies, just in case they need it.


The Governor of Massachusetts wants to enact more restrictive gun control laws than currently exist. Residents of the state are already treated like criminals if they dare apply for a License to Carry. What’s interesting in this case is that their neighbors in New Hampshire have some of the least strict gun laws in the country, yet Massachusetts has a much higher gun crime rate. These statistics should be telling to anyone who reads them but not if you are a gun control advocate or Democrat. Even a Harvard study shows that gun control is counterproductive. Democrats love to use Harvard studies, except when the studies disagree with their “emotional reasoning”.

New Hampshire

In 2010, with a Republican controlled legislature, the Stand Your Ground law was passed which allows women to defend themselves in public as well as in their homes and not be treated like criminals for doing so. Democrats said it would create a “wild west” environment (it didn’t). NowDemocrats are pushing to remove the part of Stand Your Ground that allows women to protect themselves in public. It’s okay to use deadly force in your home but if you are in public you have to run. Since New Hampshire already has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the country, Democrats have no reason to change the law. All it will do is turn victims into criminals and criminals into victims if a woman dares to protect herself using deadly force in public.

At the federal level, gun control advocates are seeking to enact very restrictive gun laws that will absolutely victimize more women. Senator Dianne Feinstein is behind the new laws that states would be expected to enforce (so much for states’ rights). Feinstein is such a loon that she actually makes the claim that it’s “legal to hunt humans”. The Obama Administration has already said they will back any gun control legislation that Congress may pass. An “assault ban” has already been tried in previous years in this country only it was proven that it did absolutely nothing to change crimes with “assault weapons”. That may be because criminals do not obey the laws, something that Democrats cannot seem to get through their thick skulls.

Gun control advocates consistently toss facts and gun crime statistics out the window. In the latest gun crime statistics report from the FBI, it’s pretty clear that states with the most restrictive gun laws have more crimes committed with guns than those with the least restrictive laws (New Hampshire being one of them). Criminals love gun control because the laws don’t apply to them. They will continue to get guns illegally and use them to commit crimes against women.

Gun control advocates reduce a woman’s ability to defend herself by either banning guns or making it far more difficult for a woman to legally own one. They are creating a “Sad Sisterhood of Victims“. Women who own guns are empowered because they can protect themselves. Women cannot rely on 911, rape whistles or restraining orders. Until there is a police officer at every woman’s door 24/7, women must be allowed to protect themselves if they choose to. By putting more restrictive gun laws into place, gun control advocates are aiding criminals while waging a war on women.

Originally posted on Examiner:

There are Two Paths – Retire Obama

Voices Without A Vote

Powerful video in which teenagers who cannot vote yet urge Americans to vote for a candidate who believes in the Constitution!

Black Teacher Ridicules White student wearing Romney t-shirt


On ‘dress down Friday’ in a Philadelphia high school, a 16 year old sophomore decided to wear a pink Romney/Ryan t-shirt. Unfortunately for the student, Samantha Pawlucy, she has a Geometry teacher who doesn’t like Romney; doesn’t agree with freedom of speech or expression and doesn’t know history. The teacher humiliated the young girl in class by telling her to ‘get out’ or change her t-shirt. The teacher, who is black, told Pawlucy that her wearing that shirt would be like the teacher wearing a KKK shirt. Apparently the teacher doesn’t know that theKKK was started by the Democrats.

What is missing in most of the stories that have been published is this teacher’s obviousracism. Had a white teacher done this to a black student wearing an Obama/Biden t-shirt, all hell would have broken loose and it would somehow be the Republican Party’s fault. The race of the teacher hasn’t even been widely reported – why is that? The story is bad enough but it’s far worse that this teacher is black and she specifically used racist terms as an analogy against a white student simply showing her support for a candidate; a candidate the teacher clearly isn’t supporting.

There should be no other alternative than for this teacher to be fired. Children shouldn’t be afraid to exercise their free speech rights in school when those rights are completely reasonable. Teachers probably see many articles of clothing that they disagree with but keep their mouths shut because that’s the right thing to do. This teacher lacks the civility, respect and historical knowledge to be further supported with taxpayer dollars in our school systems.

Continue reading here:

Can we really save America?

The more truth I find out about the federal government and the damage they have done to this country, the more I begin to wonder if we can really save America.  535 politicians – plus 1 in the White House and 9 members of the Supreme Court rule our country and frankly they have put us into quite the black hole.  I’m talking about both parties over many, many years.  This behemoth mess we call the United States government didn’t happen overnight and didn’t happen at the hands of just one party.  We have massive regulations, massive federal government programs, massive federal government workers, massive debt, massive deficit and no one seems to want to reel any of that it to straighten it out and get it under control.  Oh everyone likes to talk a good game about cutting spending and keeping taxes low but none of them really do it.  Bush cut taxes but not spending.  Obama is increasing taxes and has increased spending.  Everyone likes to talk about the Clinton surplus but that’s a myth.  Reagan accomplished many great things but he still didn’t cut massive federal departments like he said he would.  Forget Carter, that was just some type of Twilight Zone presidency.  Truth is that our federal government is wildly out of control and they could care less what we, the people think because they are no longer afraid of us and haven’t been  in decades.

“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny” – Thomas Jefferson

We are a country of over 300 million people being ruled by only 545 men and women.  How in the hell did we allow them to turn this country into the ginormous federal government monster that it has become?  Americans hate monopolies but we allowed the federal government to become the biggest monopoly in the world.  We stood by and didn’t stop the insanity while it was happening.  We didn’t do anything when they took away little bits and pieces of our freedoms or asked for more taxes or fees to redistribute to others.  A little at a time, the federal government has eroded America and Americans.  Only 51% of people pay federal income taxes in this country.  That is absolute insanity!  51% of the people in this country pay for the entire federal budget which includes foreign aid, cushy pensions for federal workers, freebies for the slackers who refuse to work and keep having more babies, illegal aliens to have babies and be educated, a public education system that is worse than pathetic, free medical care for some people and the greatest military on Earth that is sent all over the world but not protecting our own borders.  I could go on and on about the ridiculous things that only 51% of the taxpayers in this country pay for but you either already know or you get the point.  We have become a society of sloths.  Whether we are the hard-working sloths who pay the bills or the sloths who just lay around all day, that is what we’ve become.

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” – Abraham Lincoln

The big federal government growth and state dependency on the feds started under the worst president in the history of this country – Franklin Delano Roosevelt.   It was FDR who put the first giant federal entitlement program into place.   It was FDR who started handing out federal dollars to states, with strings attached of course.  Before FDR, people and states took care of themselves and each other no matter how bad times got.  The federal government has done nothing but grow and grow and grow ever since.  Why didn’t anyone stop it?  Why did Americans fall so far from what America’s Founding Fathers fought so hard to create?  There are a million reasons that I can come up with as excuses but none of them are ‘excusable’.  Americans lost their way many years ago and we still haven’t found the way back.  Oh sure there are a ton of people who are waking up and fighting back.  The Tea Parties, conservative organizations, Independent organizations and conservative activists are all fighting for the truth and to seek the changes that need to be made but will it work?  These people represent a very small portion of the 300 million people in the United States.  We must reach the entire country in order to install real change before it’s too late.  Can we do it?


All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” – Thomas Jefferson


How many people do you know who don’t vote?  How many people do you know who have zero clue who Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner or Harry Reid are?  How many people do you know who simply watch the 3 main ‘news’ stations – ABC, NBC and CBS for their ‘news’?  We have allowed the mainstream media to control the message to Americans that big government is good; small government is bad.  Lots of spending is good; little spending is bad.  Democrats are good; Republicans are bad.  These people couldn’t wipe their own asses properly if their lives depended on it and they control America’s messaging.  We have kids graduating high school who can’t read or do basic math – they are our future.  We spend billions on public education every year and we have one of the worst records on education in the world.  We have unions continually bullying states for more benefits, higher salaries and less work ethic which causes higher taxes and poor services for the people who are footing the bill.   We have a federal government that has program after program overlap in which none of them know what the hell the other is doing but they’re all getting great salaries and cushy benefits thanks to taxpayer’s hard-earned dollars.  And still  no one does anything to stop the insanity.  We are controlled by 545 men and women who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.  Yes there are a few who seem to genuinely want to fix this very broken system but they can never accomplish that without the rest of the yahoos that are in Congress.


“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” Thomas Paine

There are a few million people out of the over 300 million in this country who want to fight to break the big government chains that oppress us.  Can we do it?  Have we lost everything because of the millions who would rather sit back and get something for nothing?  Can we do it without the people who care but don’t bother to fight?  As an Independent I have never been a fan of either party nor a fan of the 2 party system but we are stuck with it for now.  The only chance in hell we have of shrinking the government is to force one of the parties to create real changes that put government back in the people’s hands.  Are we so far gone that it’s impossible?  Have we lost everything because so many people were busy living their lives just trying to fight for their American Dream by working hard?  Do we have enough people who love America that they are willing to give up a few hours of their week to inform others of the truth and reason with people as to why big government only hurts Americans?  Frankly I don’t know if they will or we can.  I would bet money that many of you have been able to inform others and change the way they see things.  Think about how well that would work if we had a domino effect.  This isn’t about Democrats and Republicans.  This isn’t about the 545 people who rule this country.  This is about we, the people.  This is about taking back control of the government so that they once again fear us.  This is about fighting tyranny for liberty.  Can we really save America?

“Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature…. If the next centennial does not find us a great nation … it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.”James Garfield, the twentieth president of the United States, 1877

Why Does the Left Continually Support Violent Psychos Like Brett Kimberlin?


In case you haven’t seen the latest, below is a bit from Patterico’s blog regarding convicted felon turned Democrat Left Wing Activist Brett Kimberlin:

What you have just read is a summary. I have lived this daily — literally daily — for almost a year. There are pieces of evidence I didn’t have room to include. There is so much evidence of harassment it would take you weeks to read about it.

What’s more, I know that this post is going to result in more harassment. I will almost certainly be sued, despite my careful efforts to stick to the facts. There will likely be more complaints to my workplace.

And I have a feeling they’ll find creative new ways to try to rip my life apart.

As an aside, I have listened to Brett Kimberlin in court audio, saying he meets with Congressmen on a regular basis. I want to make sure these Congressmen know what he’s doing.

I have appreciated the support I have felt in recent days, with people like Michelle Malkin, Instapundit, Stacy McCain, Ace, and many others stepping up and being willing to take on this topic.

It is my hope that the support of the blogosphere will not melt away after today. Because the harassment will almost certainly live on.

It’s an important battle to take on. And I want to stress that this should not be a partisan issue. I believe Brett Kimberlin uses lefty politics as a tool — but he doesn’t believe any of it in his heart. He is looking for a buck. I have been heartened to see left-leaning people of all stripes stand up to this guy in the past, from Mark Singer, the author of Citizen K; to Ken Ashford, who refused to give up Aaron Walker’s identity; to the left-leaning lawyer who represented Aaron pro bono.

It is my hope that left-leaning blogs will recognize that this is not a partisan issue. It is a free speech issue.

Remember how I said one of my commenters was outed? And this crew started talking about his parents? And his divorce records? For being a commenter of mine?

What happened to me could literally happen to anyone. It could happen to you.

If you take nothing else from this post, remember that. It could happen to you.

Stacy McCain also has a lengthy description of this Democrat psycho Kimberlin:

Kimberlin’s infamous criminal past could scarcely have been a secret to those who funded his organization. Kimberlin became a national political celebrity during the 1988 presidential campaign because of his claim, made while he was still serving time in federal prison, that he had once sold marijuana to Dan Quayle, who was then the Republican candidate for vice president.

Kimberlin offered no proof for that unsubstantiated allegation, but it drew the attention of award-winning journalist Mark Singer. A reporter for the New Yorker, Singer was initially sympathetic to Kimberlin, and the two men split an advance for a book deal to tell Kimberlin’s story. Singer ended the co-authorship deal after he became disillusioned by Kimberlin’s habitual dishonesty. In 1996, Singer published Citizen K: The Deeply Weird American Journey of Brett Kimberlin, which exposed Kimberlin as a “world-class liar” and “first-class con man.”

In fact, according to both Singer and Indianapolis Star reporter Joseph Gelarden, prosecutors suspected a particularly sinister motive for the Speedway Bomber’s terroristic rampage: To distract law enforcement officials who were investigating the July 29, 1978, murder of Julia Scyphers, the grandmother of a pre-teen girl toward whom, Gelarden wrote in 1981, Kimberlin had “strange affection . . . questionable relationship.”

It’s bad enough the Left still support domestic terrorists like Bill Ayers but now they have another one (Kimberlin) to add to their list who is continuing his terrorism only without actual bombs.  The Left has the Black Caucus (actual elected Democrats) visiting that slime Castro in Cuba as if he was so great, they have Left Wingers supporting murderous, cowardly, vile scum Che Guevara all of the time and a lot of groups and Left Wing individuals like Barbara Streisand and John Kerry’s wife supporting organizations that are run by a convicted (CONVICTED, SERVED TIME IN PRISON) domestic TERRORIST, Brett Kimberlin.  There are many more like these examples that the Left supports but I haven’t got all day.  Why do the Left – Many Democrats, Liberals and Progressives – support these violent, psychotic and twisted people?  To a ‘normal thinking’ person there is no justification for supporting these types of people – EVER – whether you are on the Left, the Right or somewhere in between.  The only logical solution I can possibly come up with is that Liberalism is a mental disorder.


Good luck to Patterico, Mandy, Stacy and everyone else.  The great thing is – they STILL haven’t shut you up and they never will.

Union Leaders – Nevermind the Law

Nothing new here.  Union leaders have always ignored the law and committed crimes whenever they feel like it.  Funny the first speaker talks about the right to ‘Freedom of Association’ except he is FOR FORCED UNIONISM which takes that ‘right’ AWAY.  The hypocrisy and criminal element in the unions is despicable.  Progressives are their ‘allies’?  Guess what America – progressives are not PRO-Constitution which is why the Unions love them because neither are they.