Tag Archives: NH01

NH Democrats think women are helpless twits who need a nanny

It was bad enough Democrats paid for a fake ‘war on women’ rally a few months ago but now they are pushing their lies even further and treating women like they are completely stupid. In a column on October 15th, New Hampshire attorney and National Democratic Committee member Kathy Sullivan not only lied about issues but she actually makes women out to be helpless little sheep who need big strong ‘daddy’ government to take care of them. She also doesn’t seem to understand how insurance companies work or that Obamacare is indeed taking women’s health care decisions out of their control and putting it in the control of government. From the column:

The entire top of the ticket on the Republican side of the ballot would affect the ability of women to make their own medical decisions by allowing employers to remove contraceptive coverage from health insurance plans on religious grounds.

Apparently she doesn’t realize that even the far left Democrat Teddy Kennedy agreed that religious institutions shouldn’t be forced to provide something that is against their religion. Bill Clinton’s health care bill also included religious protections. It’s called ‘Freedom of Religion’ and one of the reasons this country was founded. Apparently Sullivan doesn’t believe in Constitutional rights.

In addition, gubernatorial candidate Ovide Lamontagne wants to defund Planned Parenthood. Mitt Romney has said he wants to get rid of Planned Parenthood. Defunding Planned Parenthood would make it more difficult for low-income women to access contraception, and also remove a source of preventive care for services such as cancer screenings.

Planned Parenthood doesn’t need the money. They make millions of dollars every year from insurance companies and through abortion services they provide. Planned Parenthood has almost$1 billion in assets alone with over $737 million in revenue. Romney simply wants to stop funding programs that don’t need the money as do the majority of Americans. There are many other clinics available to women that provide low-income women the same services other than abortion. Sullivan clearly thinks women are too stupid to know this. Why she wants to continue funding a program that victimizes young girls is reprehensible. For a party that is supposed to be ‘for women’, they certainly don’t show that with their support of Planned Parenthood. Of course, the lie about providing breast cancer screenings is just that, a lie.

Access to birth control benefits taxpayers and reduces abortions. According to an article by Reuters, unintended pregnancies lead to one million births each year, at a cost to taxpayers of $11 billion. In other words, not only are Guinta, Bass, Lamontagne and Romney promoting policies that allow employers to interfere with the right of the individual to make her own religious and moral decisions, they also are imposing an economic burden on taxpayers.

Interesting that Sullivan talks about women making their own decisions yet she is whining about how they need the government to make decisions for them. Employers have been choosing health coverage for years and still did up until Obamacare. Now employers are forced to purchase plans for which both they and their employees pay a much higher price. Government is making health care decisions for women. Remember when Obama’s Administration said that women under 50 didn’t need mammograms every year? Insurance companies and doctors told them to piss off. Women’s lives are saved thanks to mammograms yet Sullivan’s beloved Obama Administration is making health care decisions that will kill them.

Sullivan goes on to whine in the article that women need access to birth control and lies that Republicans want to stop access to it. Funny thing, women have access to birth control 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at most major stores and even small convenience stores across New Hampshire and the country. Women even have that silly option of not having sex if they don’t want to get pregnant. To Democrats, women seem to be little sheep incapable of taking care of themselves or actually making responsible decisions. While Sullivan talks about women making their own decisions, she’s pushing for government to make decisions for them, rather than discuss how much Obama’s economic policies have failed women.

How bad have Obama’s policies hurt women?

If more women had jobs, as they will under Romney, they’d be able to afford the birth control that Sullivan and Democrats feel is so much more important than the economy.

Women should be angry that Democrats believe they are so completely ignorant and helpless that they cannot be held personally responsible for their own sexual reproduction. Women should be angry that Democrats are pushing birth control as the most important issue when the economy is crumbling and it is affecting women the most. Democrats should be ashamed of themselves that they treat women so disrespectfully. Women have worked for years to become independent and have earned equality. Democrats seek to destroy those gains by telling women they need to be dependent on the government. Democrats seek to hurt women’s equality by putting legislation into place like the Paycheck Fairness Act that would kill even more jobs for women. Women are not incapable little twits who need a Nanny (Maggie Hassan, Carol Shea-Porter or Anne Kuster) to make their decisions. It is 2012, women have ‘come a long way baby’ despite the efforts of Democrats to destroy their economic freedom with Obama’s failed economy.

Originally posted here:  http://www.examiner.com/article/nh-democrats-think-women-are-helpless-twits-who-need-a-nanny